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Chinesische Partneruniversitäten

Sichuan UniversityChengduAlle
Tongji UniversityShanghaiAlle
East China University of Science and TechnologyShanghaiAlle
Chongqing UniversityChongqingAlle
Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhouAlle
Southwest Petroleum UniversityChengduEnergie und Rohstoffe / Petroleum Engineering
Kunming University of Science and Technology KunmingAlle
Northeast Petroleum UniversityDaqingEnergie und Rohstoffe / Petroleum Engineering
Guizhou UniversityGuiyangAlle
Lanzhou University of Technology LanzhouAlle
Xian University of Architecture and TechnologyXianAlle
Dalian Jiaotong UniversityDalianAlle
China University of GeosciencesBeijingEnergie und Rohstoffe / Petroleum Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhanAlle
China Agricultural UniversityBeijingAlle
Central South UniversityChangshaAlle
Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyQingdaoAlle