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China Week 2020


14:00-18:00Ceremonial opening of the China Week 2020
Moderator: VPF Prof. Dr. Alfons Esderts
14:00-14:10Opening music with the guzheng, an arched board zither with a long tradition
Ms. Lingxiang Wang
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schachtner, President of Clausthal University of Technology
Dr. Sabine Johannsen, State Secretary of the MWK Lower Saxony
Ms. Britta Schweigel, Mayor of the mountain and university town of Clausthal-Zellerfeld
14:40-15:00China's 14th five-year plan and the world in the face of the pandemic
Mr. Xiaohui Du, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Hamburg
15:00-15:30Lower Saxony-Chinese university cooperation
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke, China Representative of the MWK Lower Saxony
15:30-16:00Over 20 years of successful Sino-German cooperation: a look back and ahead
Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, President of Paderborn University
16:00-16:30Coffee break
16:30-17:00Sino-German Economic Cooperation in Post-pandemic Era of COVID-19: Changes, Chances and Challenges (in English)
Prof. Dr. Xiaohua Yu, Chair of Agricultural Economics in Developing and Transition Countries, University of Göttingen
17:00-17:30China's Role in the World: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow
Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Director China Centrum Tübingen (CCT), University of Tübingen
17:30-18:00Chopsticks, Masks & Social Distance - The Pandemic from a Cultural-Psychological Perspective
Prof. Dr. Weiqi Zhang, Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Münster

14:00-18:10Economic cooperation
14:00-14:10Greeting and moderation
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, Head of the China Competence Center of Clausthal University of Technology
14:10-14:40Innovative cooperation - experiences of CFEID
Prof. Dr. Xianzhang Lei, Chairman of the Board of the Chinese R&D Innovation Union in Germany - CFEID e.V. and member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering
14:40-15:10Silk Road to China - Sympatec's Experience
Dipl.-Ing. Axel Pankewitz (speaker), Dr.-Ing. E.h. Stephan Röthele and Dr. Jianfang Geng, Sympatec GmbH - System Partikel-Technik
15:10-15:40New Silk Road "Curse or blessing"
Mr. Stephan Ossenkopp, freelance journalist and China expert
15:40-16:10Coffee break
16:10-16:40Building the business network of the startups
Mr. Lei Wang, Chairman of the Board of the Association for the Promotion of Chinese Entrepreneurs Lower Saxony - VFCN e.V
16:40-17:10Experience of SincoTec with the Chinese market
Mr. Dr. Joachim Hug, Ms. Sabrina Hug and Mr. Tom Lohmüller (SincoTec Group)
17:10-17:40Sino-German Liaison: Scaling Business with Support of CICCPS
Dr. Henrich Guntermann, Head of German Operations & EU Markets of CICCPS (China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector)
17:40-18:10Sino-German economic relations from the perspective of the IHK Braunschweig
Uwe Heinze, Head of the Goslar office, IHK Braunschweig

14:00-17:50Student day
14:00-14:10Greeting and moderation
VPS Prof. Dr. Gunter Brenner
14:10-14:40Original, plagiarism and copy in China - some considerations using the example of Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Collection from the Orchid Pavilion"
Dr. Georg Ebertshäuser, Director of the Clausthal University of Technology Study Centre
14:40-14:50Going China programs of the China Competence Center for students, doctoral candidates, employees and lecturers
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, Head of the China Competence Center of Clausthal University of Technology
14:50-15:00The planned German-Chinese bachelor's program in electrical engineering with a double degree from Clausthal University of Technology and Sichuan University
Prof. Dr. Christian Rembe, Institute for Electrical Information Technology, Clausthal University of Technology
15:00-15:30Semester abroad in Chengdu
Ms. Fabienne Fischer, Ms. Alena Schnickmann, Mr. Philipp Seidel, students of Clausthal University of Technology
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-17:00Small workshops
Dr. Lin Cai, Head of the Leibniz Confucius Institute Hanover: Calligraphy, writing names in Chinese etc.
Mr. Martin Josuweit, TU Clausthal: Qigong - Qi to join in
17:00-17:20Short lecture on Chinese food culture
Dr. Hong Liu-Kiel, TU Clausthal
17:20-17:50Online quiz on China with small prizes
Dr. Lara M. Gottfried and Dr. Hong Liu-Kiel, TU Clausthal

11:00-12:00Chinese-Lower Saxon Alliance for Science and Culture
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schachtner, President of Clausthal University of Technology
11:10-11:30Importance of Lower Saxony-Chinese cooperation and hydrogen initiative
Minister Björn Thümler, MWK Lower Saxony
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke, China Representative of the MWK Lower Saxony
Prof. Dr. Huibing Xu, President of Beihang University and Chairman of the Chinese Alumni Association of Clausthal University of Technology
11:50-12:00Signing Ceremony (MOU Sino-Lower Saxony Alliance for Science and Culture: Clausthal University of Technology - President Prof. Dr. Joachim Schachtner & Zhengzhou University-President Prof. Dr. LIU Jiongtian), moderated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke
12:00-13:30Lunch break
13:30-18:30Sino-German Workshop Intelligent Manufacturing
Moderated by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Möller & Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou
13:30-14:00Future of Industry 4.0 and Digital Sovereignty
Ernst Stöckl-Pukall,Head of Digitization and Industry 4.0 of BMWi(Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy)
14:00-14:30The Role of Standardization in Industry 4.0: Needs, Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Activities
Dr. Christoph Legat, HEKUMA GmbH and VDE
14:30-15:00Safeguard German-Chinese Industry 4.0 Cooperation with Common Rules
Dr. Chengdong Wang, Chief Representative of Huawei Berlin Office
15:00-15:30Combine the best of two worlds: Experience in setting up the Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute (SGIMRI) in Nanjing
Prof. Dr. Thomas Knothe, FhG Berlin
15:30-16:00Sensors for real-time data acquisition at Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM): Big data and industry 4.0
Prof. Dr. Christian Rembe, TU Clausthal
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-17:00Cyber-physical production systems
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thiede, University of Twente, The Netherlands
17:00-17:30Digital Airports - an example for future transportation hubs
Dr. Andreas Deutschmann, Research Center of the Federal Republic of Germany for Aerospace
17:30-18:00Intelligent Factory and digital transformation in Construction Industry
Dr. Xiangyang Jiang, Board member of Putzmeister GmbH - Subsidiary of Sany Heavy Industry, Chairman's representative
18:00-18:10Closing word
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Möller, TU Clausthal

09:00-12:00Workshop on Chinese-Lower Saxony university cooperation
Moderator: VPF Prof. Dr. Alfons Esderts
09:00-09:10The China network of Lower Saxony's universities: Goals and tasks
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke, China Representative of the MWK Lower Saxony
09:10-09:30German-Chinese cooperation within the framework of universities of applied sciences
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Lackner, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
09:30-09:50German and Chinese legal systems
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk, University of Osnabrück
09:50-10:10German-Chinese cooperation in the field of sustainable energy systems
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, TU Clausthal
10:10-10:30German-Chinese cooperation in the field of intelligent manufacturing
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Möller, TU Clausthal
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:20Work of the research working group of the Lower Saxony China Network Meeting
Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak, Leibniz Universität Hannover / LKI
11:20-11:40Cooperation between TU Brauschweig and Tongji University
Prof. Dr. Thomas Vietor, TU Brauschweig
11:40-12:00German-Chinese cooperation in the field of post-mining
Prof. Dr. Oliver Langefeld, TU Clausthal
12:00-12:10Wrap up
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke, China Representative of the MWK Lower Saxony
14:00-14:30Welcome and energy research agenda
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schade, Spokesman of the Board of the Energy Storage Technologies Research Centre at Clausthal University of Technology, Member of the Board of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony and Head of the Goslar branch of the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute: Welcome and energy research agenda
14:30-14:50Lower Saxony Hydrogen Technologies Initiative
Prof. Dr. Thomas Turek, Member of the Board of the Research Center for Energy Storage Technologies at Clausthal University of Technology
14:50-15:00Wrap up
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, Head of the China Competence Center at Clausthal University of Technology

Events organized by external partners

Start:20:00 (admission from 19:00, max. 20 people)
Venue:Silberstraße 1, Clausthal-Zellerfeld