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China Week 2021


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13:30-18:00ZOOM-Meeting and Senate meeting room of TU Clausthal
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou/Mrs. Dr. Lara M. Gottfried
13:30-13:40Opening music with the guzheng - an arched board zither with a long tradition played in classical Chinese music.
Ms. Lingxiang Wang, University of Hanover
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schachtner, President of Clausthal University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Wan Gang, President of China Association for Science and Technology

Ms. Annette Schavan, Former Federal Minister of Education and Research (video message)

Minister Björn Thümler, MWK Lower Saxony(video message)

14:50-15:20Chinese-German cooperation during and after the pandemic from the perspective of the DAAD 
Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, President of the DAAD
15:20-15:50Success factors of Sino-German cooperation: The time before and after the pandemic
Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, President of Paderborn University
15:50-16:20Is a war between China and the US inevitable?
Prof. Dr. Xuewu Gu, Director of Center for Global Studies (CGS) at the University of Bonn
16:20-16:40Coffee break with music (online)
16:40-18:00Panel discussion: Sino-German cooperation after the pandemic: opportunities and challenges
Participants: Prof. Dr. Joachim Schachtner, Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf, Prof. Dr. Xuewu Gu, Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, Prof. LIU Liang from the Education Department of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China

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ZOOM-Meeting and seminar room of the computer center of the TU Clausthal

Moderation and greeting: Dr. Georg Ebertshäuser

13:10-13:30Studying Electrical Engineering as double degree at the Clausthal University of Technology and at the Sichuan University
Prof. Dr. Christian Rembe, Institute for Electrical Information Technology, TU Clausthal
13:30-13:50The planned Sino-German master program "Intelligent Manufacturing" with a double degree from Clausthal University of Technology and Zhengzhou University
Prof. Dr. David Inkermann, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, TU Clausthal
13:50-14:10German Cars - Past, present and future
Thomas Kamla, Senior Director Compliance & Process Management, Volkswagen AG
14:10-14:30Life and study in Clausthal-Zellerfeld & Germany
Students from TU Clausthal
14:40-15:10Life and study in Chengdu & Zhengzhou/ China
Students from Sichuan University & Zhengzhou University
15:10-15:30Coffee break with German and Chinese music contributions (online) 
Mr. Jannik Johannsen, University of Oldenburg, plays flute
Ms. Lingxiang Wang, University of Hanover, plays guzheng
 Due to the participation of SCU students (ET) and ZZU students (Intelligent Manufacturing), the events will be held in English in the morning and in German in the afternoon (Chinese local time 22:30).
15:30-16:00Confucianism in a nutshell - What you need to know to become a better person in 30 minutes.
Dr. Georg Ebertshäuser, Director of the Clausthal University of Technology Study Center
16:00-16:35Small workshops on Chinese culture
Dr. Lin Cai, Head of the Leibniz Confucius Institute Hanover: Taoism
Mr. Daoist Liu and his team in Hanover: Wudang Quan - Tai Chi to participate in
16:35-17:15Online quiz on China with small prizes 
Dr. Lara M. Gottfried and Dr. Hong Liu-Kiel, TU Clausthal
18:00-20:00Evening cooking class in the Chinese restaurant "Ju Bin Lou" with a short lecture by Dr. Hong Liu-Kiel on Chinese food culture and subsequent preparation of "Jiaozi "
Address: Schulstraße 47, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
(online registration required, 2G plus rules, up to 25 people)

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13:00-17:00Moderation: PD Dr. habil. Friederike Paetz, TU Clausthal
13:00-13:30Chinese Economy in the Era of New Development Patterns
Prof. Dr. Miaojie YU, China Center for Economic Research; Deputy Dean, National School of Development, Peking University
13:30-14:00A Geo-economic View on the Belt and Road Initiative
Prof. Dr. Holger Görg, Institute for the World Economy of Kiel University, Director of Kiel Centre for Globalization
14:00-14:30China's Belt and Road Initiative: A Look at the Evidence
Prof. Dr. Albert Francis Park, Head and Chair Professor of Economics, Chair Professor of Social Science, and Professor of Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technololgy
14:30-15:00Understanding the US-China Trade Dispute
Ms. Prof. Dr. Lei Li, Department of Economics, University of Mannheim
15:00-15:30Coffee break with music (online)
15:30-16:00Some remarks on responsibility in economy and science in a connected world
Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Director of China Centrum Tübingen (CCT), University of Tübingen
16:00-17:00Round table discussion: BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) vs B3W (Build Back Better World)
Participants: Prof. Dr. Miaojie YU, Prof. Dr. Holger Görg, Prof. Dr. Albert Francis Park, Ms. Prof. Dr. Lei Li, Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer

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09:00-13:00Moderation:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schade & Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou
09:00-09:30Carbon Neutrality and Green Energy
Michael Liebert or Tobias Reuss, Volkswagen AG
09:30-10:00Grid Storage Technologies Based on Molten Salts for Carbon Neutrality
Dr.-Ing. Wenjin Ding, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
10:00-10:30Strategy and technical route of carbon neutrality in Henan Province
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou/ Mr. Ying XIONG, TU Clausthal & Prof. Jianhua LIU/Ms. Prof. Ruiqin ZHANG/Prof. Weiyan HOU/Prof. Jianwei TANG, Sino-German Institute of Carbon Neutrality and Green Development of Zhengzhou University
10:30-11:00Evaluation of the effect of wind power and solar energy development on power structure adjustment and carbon reduction in Henan Province
Ms. Prof. Dr. Ruiqin Zhang, Sino-German Institute of Carbon Neutrality and Green Development of Zhengzhou University
11:00-11:20Coffee break with music (online)
11:20-11:50Underground Methanation
Prof. Dr. Leonhard Ganzer, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, TU Clausthal
11:50-12:20Hydrogen Research in Lower Saxony
Prof. Dr. Thomas Turek, Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering, TU Clausthal & EFZN
12:20-12:50China's CCUS Pathways: From Carbon Storage to Carbon Neutrality
Prof. Dr. Qi LI, IRSM of Chinese Academy of Science
12:50-13:20Carbon neutral energy campus Goslar
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schade, Institute of Energy Research and Physical Technologies, TU Clausthal & HHI
14:30-16:00Company tour (online registration required, 2G rules, up to 25 people)
IWirtschaftliche Kooperationen mit China - Besuche im Clausthaler Unternehmen Sympatec GmbH Meeting at 14:20 at the entrance Sympatec GmbH, Am Pulverhaus 1, Clausthal-Zellerfeld

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09:00-11:45ZOOM-Meeting and seminar room of the computer center of TU Clausthal
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke
09:00-09:20Work of the China Competence Working Group of the China Network of Universities in Lower Saxony
Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Head of the Department of Intercultural German Studies and the German-Chinese Institute for Intercultural German Studies and Cultural Comparison at the University of Göttingen
09:20-09:40The cooperation between Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and Hefei University - how a strategic partnership has developed over the course of almost four decades
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Lackner, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
09:40-10:00Energy transformation and Covid-19 - the role of engineers in China and Germany
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ahrens, Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg
10:00-10:20Intelligent manufacturing - Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025: A joint path of Clausthal University of Technology and Zhengzhou University
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Möller, Clausthal University of Technology
10:20-10:50Coffee break with music (online)
10:50-11:10Meeting at eye level - bilingual exchange without a bridge language in the LLM program of the universities of Anhui and Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk, University of Osnabrück
11:10-11:30German-Chinese cooperation in the field ofCO2 neutrality
Prof. Dr. Michael Zhengmeng Hou, TU Clausthal
11:30-11:45Wrap up
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanschke, China Representative of the MWK