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Professor Zhengmeng Hou Held a Lecture at the "Famous Teacher Forum -- Series Report of Overseas Famous Teacher" of Zhengzhou University

Professor Zhengmeng Hou, from China Competence Center, Clausthal University of Technology, was invited to hold a lecture at the "Famous Teacher Forum - Series Report of Overseas Famous Teacher"

On June 24th 2020, Professor Zhengmeng Hou, from China Competence Center, Clausthal University of Technology, was invited to hold a lecture at the "Famous Teacher Forum -- Series Report of Overseas Famous Teacher" of Zhengzhou University, with the title of "Sustainable Clean Energy Systems". This lecture was carried out online.

Firstly, Professor Zhengmeng Hou gave a brief introduction of the issues in energy consumption of the world and China, potential problems and key solutions during energy transition. Then, combining with his personal researches and experiences, Professor Hou underscored the urgency of energy transition and clean energy utilization by detailed illustrations from three perspectives: Germany's energy transition model; the ENSYSCO's innovative idea of sustainable clean energy in Yunnan Province and sustainable clean energy systems in Germany. He also noted that the global energy transition is an inevitable trend, while this transition should not be limited to one or two unified models. Each country has its own characteristics, and thus a specific transition plan should be put forward according to its own national conditions. Meanwhile, international exchange of experience and mutual learning are also very important.

In terms of the opportunities and challenges in China's energy transition, Professor Hou summarized that: the enlightenment and guidance obtained from Germany's energy transition would facilitate the exploration of a green energy transition pathway that suits China's national conditions. It is embodied in improving energy efficiency, developing new energy sources, implementing revolution in energy structure and consumption behavior. Particularly, increasing the proportion of renewable energy capacity and reducing abandoned light, wind and water energy are crucial to China's energy transition. From a long perspective, China should explore and establish a sustainable energy system dominated by natural gas, clean coal and renewable clean energy. In view of the randomness, intermittency and volatility of renewable energy with its significant increase in proportion in the future energy market, a new Green Energy Systems based on Smart Sector Coupling (i.e., ENSYSCO) was firstly proposed by Professor Hou, which was considered as a major prospect of energy development in the future.
